Two Lighting Courses are Now Open for Enrollment at!

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Two Lighting Courses are Now Open for Enrollment at!

Two lighting courses are now open for enrollment at!

Lighting and Composing Landscapes
One of the greatest challenges of computer animation is how to create environments that are robust, but also streamlined and versatile. In Lighting and Composing Environments, you will learn innovative 2D and 3D techniques to create vast landscapes that can be used across multiple shots from various cameras. These techniques are ideal for anyone looking to build a world for a thesis or animated short, and also for industry professionals hoping to make pipelines more efficient.

Principles of Lighting
Conducted by Blue Sky Studios* Senior Lighting TD Jasmine Katatikarn and Lighting TD Michael Tanzillo, this workshop is designed to give you the tools and skills needed to build and develop your 3D lighting skills. The workshop will focus on teaching the fundamentals of lighting a stunning image that can be implemented regardless of which software package is being used. And while this is just an introductory course, you will exit with a solid lighting foundation that can be utilized in lighting both animations and live action integrations.

*this program is not affiliated with or sponsored by Blue Sky Studios