Hi everyone!
I just started my Media Arts and Animation program last year, at the New England Institute of Art in Brookline, MA. I'm an international student, originally from the Netherlands.
Since it is only my fourth semester into the course, most of my classes were gen ed's, however, last semester and this semester, I have finally gotten the chance to experiment with some animation techniques.
I was wondering if you guys would take a look at my very amateuristic demo-reel, and my latest flash animation. Please, be aware, I am rather new at every single form of animation that we have had the chance to work with, whether this would be traditional 2D light-table work or working with flash, and most of these assignments had to be completed within a one week time-span (this included sound effects and editing).
But your feedback will be greatly appreciated!
Here are the links:
Flash Movie:
Hello, just a quick note, but I just wanted to say that since you are going for a limited style of animation, concentrate on making your poses as strong as you can, following the principles of animation and drawing technique. This will help you communicate your ideas more effectively. At times it is hard to make out what is going on, or what is about to happen.
Also, I would consider minimising the amount of sound effects you use, for they are rather intrusive at present.
Hope this helps,
Thank you Kevan,
I definitely agree on the posing, and as I am typing this I am working on my walkcycle which will drastically reduce the limited animation, and will add far more distinct poses, weight, anticipation, and other principles that were left out in my first few tries.
As far as the sound effects go, I have to agree as well, on some (maybe most of them) they seem intrusive, on the other hand, in the E.T. animation I did, I think they are vital.
Will keep posting new stuff as I create it!
Thank you for the feedback so far, it's been very informative already.
My Portfolio
I agree the walk cycle is pretty stiff. You have that drag doing on with the toes but the upper body is stiff and jittery. This also comes from the up and down spacing of the body. It goes from the highest point to the lowest point from one frame to the next. There is no ease in on the way down. All the frames are all on the way up. It's kind of a zombie walk. The body comes down hard and fast, then slowly comes back up. And when the body comes down it shakes back and forth. In contrast to that the arms rotate very smooth and tweeny.
The second half is slow and tweeny. The arm tweens up and back down pretty evenly. You want to vary the spacing. Have the arm ease in on the way up then ease out on the way down. Also watch the arc on the hand, it's pretty flat as it is now.
Other things to note, the shadow in the second half is distracting. The pate shadow comes up right behind his black beret. On the first half the water fountain isn't working. Water comes up, out and down. How you have it, it goes up and out, then sucks back in along the same path. Like you reversed the film.
Keep working on and studying the principles.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Hey everyone!
I just completed a final rough of my walk cycle.
Please let me know what you dislike or like about it.
Here is the link:
Ralph Sutter
My Portfolio
:: shrugs shoulders ::
Hmmm... No feedback? At all?!
:: sad ::
My Portfolio
I dsidn't put feedback because I couldn't see it.
Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future: http://ukracattack.blogspot.com:)
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York: http://tednut.sampasite.com:D
Hmmm, I have it up on toonlife as well, here is the new link:
Thank you for letting me know the link was busted!
Much appreciated!
Ralph Sutter
My Portfolio
It's pretty okay. The walk cycle looked a bit stiff to me though.
Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future: http://ukracattack.blogspot.com:)
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York: http://tednut.sampasite.com:D
Thanks Racattack!
Not to sound rude or anything, just seeking more specific advice. What about it, did you feel, felt so stiff? He is dragging his feet, as they fold over on the legsweep, so there is meant to be a delay.
My Portfolio
**2nd Bump**
Edit: Oh well...A shame, would have liked to have seen a little more feedback from the community. Could have definitely have used the insight...
My Portfolio
**** Bump ****
My Portfolio
Hey everyone!
I just finished adding my walkcycle and lip synch scenes together, the whole story isn't supposed to really make sense... But, it is more so intended as a quirky little animation.
You can see it here:
Please let me know what you think!
Ralph Sutter
My Portfolio
*** Last Bump ***
I don't mean to come over as obnoxious, but is there no one here that can share any feedback with me?
My Portfolio
Well, the demo reel was pretty god by my standards, and you are better with Flash than I am that's for sure. Anyway, with the Flash one, you should think about speeding up the voicing.
Hi, be sure to check out my blog! A few thing there, and I'll also be putting some of my work (pictures and short carttons) there too in the future: http://ukracattack.blogspot.com:)
I am also making a Flash animated cartoon that I plan to air on it's website in Fall 2008. It's called Tednut and it's about an personified peanut named Ted and his friend Kernal, and their basic adventures in their town of Sleepy Oaks, New York: http://tednut.sampasite.com:D
Welcome to the AWN Forums Ralph.
Keep up with your schooling and take as many animation classes from the best teachers you can. Good luck on the start of your journey.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Thank you so much! That was much appreciated!
If all goes well, I will start working on a walk cycle for that frog tomorrow,
I've been prancing around the living room to come up with a funky walk for him. I can't wait to translate it into flash!
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