Hello to all in the world of academia,
If you aren't already aware of Antics (www.antics3d.com), it is a user-friendly real time 3D animation application for producing 3D animated movies, machinima, real-time pre-viz, legal reconstructions, military/police trainings, simulations, film education, etc.
To get a better idea of what Antics is capable of, please see some of our example clips on the website here.
Many student and indie filmmakers are using Antics to produce trailers of their films to help pitch and sell their film projects and professors are using it in the classroom to visualize filmmaking 101 concepts such as the 180 degree rule and complex camera and actor staging setups. Certainly, Antics can also be used as a storyboarding tool, but Antics does not stop a single frames, but rather allows you to output 3D animated movies (Quicktimes and AVIs) complete with fluid motion capture character animations and complex camera choreography with a few mouse clicks.
We've just released our Antics V3 and made a FREE version available for everyone! This is the Antics V3 BasePack, which is fully-functional and comes with a sample library of content and soon BasePack users will be able to purchase additional premium content packs from our website!
The Antics V3 ProPack comes with access to all of our Content FREE from our website and is FREE to educators and is only $75/year to students of all levels.
We also have site licenses for schools which are greatly discounted!
If you are interested in your FREE educator license or $75 annual student license, please email ussales@antics3d.com
Antics is also now being resold through Academic reseller Studica.com!
For all of you students, if you want to try before you buy, I would recommend registering on the website and downloading the FREE V3 BasePack!
Enjoy and Happy New Year!