Please excuse the Cafe/Educator cross-posting.
This a call for SYLLABI from animation, motion design, web, and film teachers:
As coeditor with Steven Heller of TEACHING MOTION DESIGN, I'm currently soliciting course syllabi for publication. This book is the latest in a series from Allworth Press, publisher of Teaching Graphic Design, currently available in bookstores:
If you teach at the undergraduate or graduate level and are interested in submitting, please follow the format below and send to me at
Also, feel free to contact me if you have further questions, or if you'd like to recommend an instructor.
Advance thanks,
~ mike D
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Syllabi Format for
edited by Steven Heller and Michael Dooley
FREQUENCY: (e.g.: trimester, quarterly)
LEVEL: (e.g.: sophomore, required course, permission of instructor)
Following text:
>> Summary AND Goal of class
>> Week By Week Description (week one, two, etc. with a two or three sentence summary)
>> Class Projects
>> Object of class projects
>> Outcome or Conclusion
>> Recommended Readings (if any)
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Um, you might want to contact the various schools that offer animation programs because syllabi tend to be proprietary info, and the schools would own such material more than the instructors usually would.
"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)
Thanks for your interest, Mr. Davis. Of course, we would obtain all necessary authorization. As I mentioned above, TEACHING MOTION DESIGN is the latest book in a series, and we've found that we get better results by contacting teachers who have been recommended by interested parties, or who are active on worthwhile forums such as this one, rather than through bulk solicitations to schools.
It appears that you're an Archie Goodwin fan. My brother, who worked as an editor at DC Comics in the 1990s, knew Archie and tells me he was a super human being. He and I have both been comics fans from childhood. And the most recent book I co-edited for Allworth was THE EDUCATION OF A COMICS ARTIST. And you can find links to some of my recent comics-related writing at
Also, I'll be moderating four panels at the San Diego Comic Con in a couple of weeks. If any forum folk see me there, please come up and say "Hi."
~ mike D