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Dragon's Lair: Flash Interactive

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Dragon's Lair: Flash Interactive

Hey all,

I made this film years ago, but I wanted to take advantage of Flash to make it so that when you press a key on the keyboard, the animation will move forward in time.

As is,
I can only have big buttons on the screen to click...and I don't want that.
can anyone help me solve this problem?

having keys do things is in the actionscript reference - Capturing keypresses - etc.
You may need to learn some actionscript for it.

onClipEvent(keyDown) {
if (Key.getCode() == 32) {




Dude, you are my hero. An online Flash version of Dragon Lair is brilliant. And what you have so far looks pretty great. I'm sure you can repeat the walking in frame and death animations, but the fact that you are hand drawing so much is incredible.

Wish i could help you with your actionscripting, but that is light years ahead of me.


what does that code mean, or is that just an example.
that don't help me if it aint it?


thanks for the kudos Kalel
you can see the movie, uninteractive in full here:


Do a Google search on basic game development with ActionScript in Flash. Almost invariably the first few chapters if not the first itself include copy-paste snippets to set up arrow-key controls. Look for ones that have what are referred to as "listeners." and I've have had more success in MX 2004 and up, where you can do Key.UP (or something similar) instead of the numeric codes. Think about platformers and fighting game tutorials, where that kind of input would be most prevalent.

i know there's more to it

Unlike the other games out there, we're talking about skipping from movie/graphic clip to movie/graphic clip. I don't know if it matters which, but saying do a google search is like saying you can "find it on the internet". That's why I'm here, so I don't have to do that if possible. thanks though Scat I know you mean well. Definitive solutions. Has anybody ever actually done this before?