Dear friends,
I have a movie I've made in Flash that I just cannot export to video.
I tried:
- Exporting video directly from Flash.
- Exporting an image sequence and importing it in other softwares.
- Exporting an SWF and importing it into After Effects.
- Using a software called "Flash to Video Encoder".
Each of these methods failed in a different way. Basically, when exporting from Flash out to something else, the loops doesn't export right. When you watch the .swf file, you can notice that several loops didn't export to video. Plus, other loops rendered in slower pace than the original.
As for "Flash to Video Encoder", it didn't open the file. I mean, it opened, but it showed all white. I opened a different version of the file and it seemed to work, but when I watched the resulting video, it had no audio and the whole thing was about 5 times faster the correct time.
Does anyone have any other ideas of how I can export that to video? I'm almost connecting a VCR in my analog video board and making a very lo-fi version of it...
Almost giving up,
Dan Poeira
Visit this website. I think you will find there the utilities that you want.
Hello Daniel,
If you are using symbols with animation nested in it, do check if the behavior of your symbols are set to "graphic" and not "movie clip" and that the animation option is set to "Play Once". If a symbol is set to movie clip, then it will not export to video. To do this, select your symbol on the stage and then in the property inspector, select graphic from the behavior option and set the animation option to "Play Once" (this is the option beside the "Swap" button). You can check if you've done it right by pressing Enter to play the scene. If you see animation on the stage, then your symbols are set to "graphic".
Any actionscripting will not work when you export your movie to video.
I also think Flash cannot export a movie that has multiple scenes. I remembered I had a problem once exporting to video a movie I did that had several scenes in it. Flash would not export it to video. What I did was save each scene into individual scene files and exported them to video one by one and used a video editing program like Imovie to join them up.
So that's it, I guess. If you used movie clips in your animation, make sure that the behavior is set to "graphic" and the animation option is set to "Play Once". I hope my two cents helps.
I think Sandrock nailed it. Always use "graphics" for animation in Flash. Only use "movie clips" for use in website design. You can also change them to symbols in the library by right clicking on it, go down to "type" and select "graphic." I hope it works for you Daniel.
the Ape
...we must all face a choice, between what is right... and what is easy."
Hi!i know the proggy that converts flash to video without any quality lost.I usually use this proggy and advise it too.Here is the link: