Ottawa fest!

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Ottawa fest!

Just a quick question. Is any one going to the Ottawa Animation fest next week?
Is there anything in particular you are looking forward to?

I can't wait for the animator's picnic on the Friday. Always a great time!

Robert.A's picture
The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts

I figure I'll probably be there.


You better be. There is no one better at giving opening speeches! Besides who would present the pumpkins? :p

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts

I am afraid that I will not b there this year, Robby... Too much work to do. Pkus, I kind of k annually is a bit much. I mean, were they not just talking about shutting the festival down in Ottawa a few years ago, due to lack of interest? It is exciting to see your long lost friends of past once every couple years, but I think it would get a bit repetetive... But now, hearing them all moping about being out fo work AGAIN... LOL

Anyways... Any screenings this year as highly anticipated a Ryanm Harvey Krumpett or Ward 13 were last year?

Oh, and Rob, if you run into Drew "Front-Bum" (inside joke between Drew and I) Mandigo, please shout out a big "hi"!


"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon

part of the reason for going annual was to confront that funding fiasco of a few years ago (and by the way... the reality of that situation was that Telefilm Canada up and pulled our money one day and then after a month of protest from the international animation community we got the funding reinstated.). Lack of interest was never an issue...especially for an event that routinely sells out.

We've been running annually since 1997 when we started SAFO (student animation festival)..but it was never the hit with sponsors that the OIAF is so it made much more sense to do OIAF annually.

And how is going annual repetitive when we're getting some 2000 films submitted and we can't show most of them? Live action festivals are annual and filled with a ton of new films, events, and faces every year. People don't seem to mind.

And often does a "Ryan" film come along these days? It's been a long time since a film steamrolled through the festivals like that one.

besides..there are some pretty strong films this year from John Canemaker, Anthony Lucas, Igor Kovalyov, Theodore Ushev, Bruce Alcock... etc...

I admit even I worried about the quality, but it turned out to be just fine.


Hey Wade. Pimp.
I think its great that the OIAF has done this. I know there has been some grumbling by people far away that don't think they coould afford to come every year but that's fine. There will be more than enough new and returning faces to see.
While I agree that it can be great to see old freinds and such that shouldn't be the main reason for going.
For me, last years fest was the best I had gone to since...... 96? Not because the content was radicly better or anything like that but because of where I was coming from.So many of us in the so called " Proffesional" industry - I guess because someone pays us- have a tendancy to Poopoo the various types of animation that gets represented ( Estonian ) that it can be easy to follow the crowd. In 2002 I think I realised some things
I really like experimental and independant animation. Sure some of it can be uncomfortable but so what. Someone put their all into making this thing. Maybe it was a personal demon that needed excising or something. The least I could do was watch it.
Television animation really sucks for the most part so why are people complaining its not represented at the fest?
I think that I forgot something that my Mom taught me a long time ago. She has been a struggling artist for most of her life. Someone asked her once why she trys to make a living at it. She said "because I need to do it."

That I think is the difference between what is at the fest and what we as " Proffesionals" are used to. What we do is not always art but is artistic. What I saw at the fest last year was far more personal than anything I have ever had the pleasure to work on.

I'm looking forward to this year

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts

Fair enough. My main concern was that the quality of the festival, or the impact of it would lose some ofits splendor. I too had a better time at last year's festival than at any other over the last 15 years.

Who was complaining about the indie films at the fest? That is what the festival is for, no? Showcasing personal films, rtaher than films that the commercial giants pump out?

And Pimp, I knew of the telefilm threatening to pull out, etc., but I thought that lack of interest had some part to play in it. I guess I stand corrected.


"Don't want to end up a cartoon in a cartoon graveyard" - Paul Simon


Hey there Wade
I didn't mean to imply that you were complaining about the content. It's just something I hear a lot of around here.
I'll say hi to Drew for you! I might see him tonight. Andrew King has an art showing in town and he might be there.
You can check out Andy's stuff at
A plug for a local artist!
I'm not sure if there are any films in particular that I'm looking forward to this year. I'll try and see as many as I can and see what happens.

The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on. It is never of any use to oneself. My Blog: Strange Thoughts