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Video Pencil Tester

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Video Pencil Tester


Hey Pilf!

I'm only posting this because you seem to solely blame me due to my above comment for the price you got for your "8 track in a CD world", yet refuse to accept a last response to your series of private message under your title addressed to me of You Know You're A Heckler When:

I recently sold it dirt cheap. Again, thanks for your "help."

Oh, grow up. I had nothing to do with whatever price you got. That's in your control as far as intelligent people are willing to pay.
You post on a public forum with two way communication, don't state your price, compare it to $3500 machine, delete your comments rather than answer questions nor rise to the occasion with a reasonable price in mind, I am a potential buyer and people will comment. If you don't want public comments, don't post on a public forum.

You should be thanking me for the honest comments I didn't say.
You don't know "heckling".

Graphiteman(or whoever reads this),
I deleted my comments because I sold the machine and didn't want anymore replies. I'm not blaming you for the price I got due to the fact that I sold it to someone not connected to this forum. The person is (like myself) a self-taught artist/animator that can draw to beat hell but who has no computer. I was just telling you that I HAD sold it since YOU said that you hoped that I would sell it. I had intended to sell it dirt cheap in the first place because it is older technology. The "help" comment was because it YOU were selling a product in public and a person came along and started making counterproductive comments it would be tantamount to heckling. And they were counterproductive. You didn't inquire about the machine.
And since you've made this a forum for airing dirt(and private messages), are you the graphiteman who "borrowed" an Andrew Loomis pic a year or so ago by redrawing it and claiming as your own in an online portfolio?

I had intended to sell it dirt cheap in the first place ?

If you had said so IN THE FIRST PLACE, you would have avoided the normal responses that you find threatning to your enterprise. If you got what you want then why bring me in?

Graphiteman(or whoever reads this), The "help" comment was because it YOU were selling a product in public and a person came along and started making counterproductive comments it would be tantamount to heckling. And they were counterproductive. You didn't inquire about the machine.

I like to think that if I posted an item for sale and someone did what I perceived as counterproductive, that if the product was any good I would still have confidence in what it could return. You give me way too much credit; that I have such charismatic power; that my one little comment, half of it an agreement with previous post, could sway the masses. You don't give others enough credit; that they can think for themselves,see for themselves and judge your product for themselves.

No, my friend. My innocent little comment above (and others; did you blast then privately?) was tantamount to simply kicking the tires. Does it have to be phrased as question for you to respond maturely? I didn't realise that.

I only posted my reply to your last sucker-punch here because you want to blame me personally for soemthing you sold thousands of miles away but I can't respond in like becasue you blocked me. Don't hit and run.

And since you've made this a forum for airing dirt(and private messages), are you the graphiteman who "borrowed" an Andrew Loomis pic a year or so ago by redrawing it and claiming as your own in an online portfolio?

Nope. Not that graphiteman. Not me. I don't need to do that. I have enough references from life. Post a link if you have it.

Ridiculous. As if I have nothing better to do than sabotage garage sales.


What ever :rolleyes: .
You obviously don't understand the words BUY, SELL, TRADE, and INQUIRE.
When you post your next reply (as I'm sure you will) just keep these words in mind.
We're sorry but the person you're trying to reach is too busy animating to answer (or even read any more of your useless @*!!) your calls right now... ...beeeeeeeeeep!

Video Pencil Tester Sold.
Mission accomplished.
-Last Flea Market post.

That's right. Once more shut it down so you don't have to respond intelligently. Just remember if you have something confrontational acussatory to say to someone, you be a man and stick around for the results. If you want to send me a snarky private message, keep the line of communication open.