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Ethics of recording your friends and family

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Ethics of recording your friends and family

After seeing sowers' thread on doodling I went to his site and the animation was pretty dang funny but the the soundtrack was family and friends just talking (without their knowledge sometimes of the recording)
Has anybody else done this?
I have some yakity uncles (and my pops) who tell stories over and over & I would love to do this to them and also get some good material for future projects/tests and such.
I also have a buddy who anytime you get more than three beers into him LOOKOUT! Calling Dr Phil!
But he's my homie!
Anyway just wondered if they get pretty upset or dont mind too much from your experiences.
Also if anybody else has done this could you link to it?

Actually in certain States in the US taping or recording individuals without their permission or acknowledgement is illegal.

“Regardless of the state, it is almost always illegal to record a
conversation to which you are not a party, do not have consent to
tape, and could not naturally overhear.”

The overhear part is the tricky part. With family and friends if you just warn them that you might be doing this and they don't complain loudly you may be safe.

Pat Hacker, Visit Scooter's World.