Career Path Advice

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Career Path Advice

Hello everyone! I am a college student confused. I am trying to figure out what I want to major in and I am pretty lost. I want to work in anime; I would do anything in the field but what I would really like to do is direct. Does anyone have any suggestions or know flat-out what are the training requirements for animation directors? Thank you all very much in advance.

You direct when you can prove that you have vision, know how to tell a story and if you want to direct animation you also have to know a thing or two about that as well.

Take visual developement (storyboarding etc.) and some animation classes would be a good start because you usually need to start somewhere other than director.


Department of Computer Animation
Ringling College of Art and Design
Sarasota Florida

Hello everyone! I am a college student confused. I am trying to figure out what I want to major in and I am pretty lost. I want to work in anime; I would do anything in the field but what I would really like to do is direct. Does anyone have any suggestions or know flat-out what are the training requirements for animation directors? Thank you all very much in advance.

Unless you are Japanese, Anime and manga are pretty much closed shops as far as westerners are concerned. Japanese studios that do either simply do NOT hire outsiders ( gaijin) to do work their own talent can do quite handily.
Anime, for the western artist, is best left as an admired hobby.

As far as animation directors--learn EVERYTHING about animation and film--no rocket science to figure out that path. If you are going to make films, then do so--and learn all about it.

"We all grow older, we do not have to grow up"--Archie Goodwin ( 1937-1998)