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New Animation supply website up

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New Animation supply website up

Check it out, he is a good guy, and has allot to offer. :)

I am a customer

Thought I'd add two cents to this. I bought some 2-b Tombow pencils, remember Richard Williams wanted to put one in Ken Harris' hand at his funeral, and one of those nifty coiled pencil holders.

The pencils are great, I am using them in a project right now. I honestly can't help grinning a bit when I feel the glide on those things. The pencil holder is great for my desk at home.

Best to order these thing in the U.S. as I was charged extra on top of S/H by our friends at UPS (OOPS! har har) because I am currently in Canada.

I say try the folks out and see if you like what the offer and the prices and service.

-I am pleased with the service I got from LightFoot Ltd. and will return there again.-

Try them once. It won't kill you.


~Glen Quaggmire. (Family Guy)

Great stuff at Lightfoot

I've gotten some things from Lightfoot also, as well as some training that got me started in animation after a lifetime of wishing I could animated.

He's also got good stuff available at Cartoon Supplies

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...

Hi there,

I am considering buying an animation starter kit, snown on both of the sites that have been mentioned. At the moment I use a home made lightbox, as I was a poor student at university. I am reluctant to work on my lightbox and prefer to draw directly onto my computer in Flash, with my drawing tablet. I think that if I had a better lightbox I would produce better hand drawn work but I don't know which to go for. Do you think it is best to buy a starter kit (as I am still trying to pay off my student debt) or to invest in a more proffessional option?

Thank you

I bought some 2-b Tombow pencils, remember Richard Williams wanted to put one in Ken Harris' hand at his funeral

Was it Tombow or the mighty Blackwing ? Blackwings were the pencil of choice for many animators of Ken Harris's generation .
(they're both great pencils . It seems that we can still get Tombow's for now, but the Blackwings are long gone. I still have a few boxes and break one out now and then for special drawings, more out of nostalgia than anything).

"EustaceScrubb" has left the building

Amy, I purchased the Jr. Animator from him about a year and a half ago. I was pretty happy with it until a table came to me (actually I had to go to the table and bring it hom, but it was otherwise free). The Jr. Animator runs $250 USD. The thing I loved about it over the less expensive boxes he offers is the rotating disc. All of Lightfoot's boxes offer terrific lighting on two circuits, which apparently keeps your eyes from buggin out from the flickering of the flourescent unit.

You've noted that you have a light box--do you have a disc for it? I bought some pegbars from Lightfoot and set to work in my garage with a few tools and built my disk myself according to instructions I found online. I also got a piece of plexi glass cut into a 20 inch circle and fashioned a round keeper fro the back of it to fit into the desk.

In the end, for me it all came down to comfort and reachability. As much as I loved my Lightfoot box (which I'm taking to my classroom for students to use), my table allows me to get much better work done because I have the surface tilted nearly vertical. I can also raise it higher than the box could go. Sometimes I use just the disk to draw on so I can be outside or away from home doing the work. Keeps me flipping and drawing instead of relying on the light too much.

Depending on your drawing style, the starter kit may be right up your alley. What size tablet are you working on? I'd love to use mine more, but it's the small Wacom and I haven't found a comfortable placement for it on my (messy) desk...

Cartoon Thunder
There's a little biker in all of us...