Hello, new poster here who someday hope to be a animator/illustrator!
Was wondering if anyone can tell me what kind of animation technique may have been used in creating the colors and effects in these clips.
These clips have alot of really flashy and amazing visuals, and looks almost 3D.
Also if you can watch both clips in their entirety to understand my question better, Thank you all!
There is definitely a combo of hand drawn and CG animation going on in both clips. The armored knight in the first clip, and some of the ground/particle effects looked very 3D CGI to me. The glowing golden ripples especially in the second clip are CGI as well. The standard-looking Anime characters look all 2D hand drawn to me.
What style are you seeking to create in?
Hello, Thank you, this was very imformative!
I'm not too familiar with styles since im only barelay a begginer in animation, but I think I wanna create an anime in similar style to the clips i linked. I'm wokring on a comic book currrently that i will base an anime off of one day.
As you progress in your animation work, you will be developing skills that will let you recreate the style of animation in your links.