I'm new here and to animation in general and hoping to get some advice. I home educate my six year old son who is obsessed with 3D animation and game design. I've been hugely impressed by his motivation to learn at such a young age and he really wants to know how to use programs such as 'Blender' and to learn more about sketching and shading to help design his own characters.
My main problem is that I feel ill equipped to support him in his passion as I know so little about it! I'd love to get a tutor for him who could run through some basics - especially on Blender- but not having much luck. I've emailed the gaming society at the local uni to see if there might be any students willing to help us out for a bit of beer money but no response so far.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Many thanks :0)
There are books and videos, that might be your best oppsion for now.