The Animation Pimp: You Never Know
While the Pimp believes that a complete picture should be created when depicting "heroes"how does this complete picture, flaws and all, impact how we view their accomplishments?
While the Pimp believes that a complete picture should be created when depicting "heroes"how does this complete picture, flaws and all, impact how we view their accomplishments?
The Pimp analyses two different animated takes on his favorite sport -- hockey -- and draws a few conclusions
The Animation Pimp discusses his recovery from alcoholism and the animated films he found that discuss the subject.
Talking animals...why are we so attached to the talking animals? The Pimp, of course, has some ideas.
Enraged by why certain films are screened at festivals and others aren't? The Animation Pimp tells it like it is from INSIDE the festival room.
The Pimp continues with his theories on projectionists and offers some solutions to their tyrannical control over presenting an artists work.
Finally, something the Pimp likes! Rex The Runt. But, this month, we see that the Animation Pimp reads a lot into this show of four dogs.
Boy, the Pimp is never happy! This month, the Animation Pimp discusses his great distaste at being hit over the head with music. Of course, he uses more colorful terms...
The Animation Pimp has noticed something recently in animated features -- "coupling, specifically heterosexual coupling" -- and here's what he has to say about it.
This month the Animation Pimp, Chris Robinson, takes on the Academy of Arts and Sciences. Three films? Three films represent all the international animation arena has to offer?!
This month the Animation Pimp Chris Robinson takes on the U.S. job drain to Canada and reveals it is actually a two way street and has been for many a year...
The first in a provocative series (or is it just wild ranting?), Chris Robinson proposes that whether one is a festival director, working animator or studio executive, we are all simply prostitutes.