The Animation Pimp
The Animation Pimp: In the Littlest League Possible
The Pimp waxes nostalgically about his early affection for the game of baseball…and shares some baseball-themed animated shorts.
The Animation Pimpcast #2: One on One with Chris Landreth
The Animation Pimp: Ladies’ Night
The Animation Pimp: Life's a Piece of Shit
The animation Pimp riffs on the topic of laughter and its importance in our lives. Especially when things are less than peachy.
There’s a Party in my Tummy
I see a lot of TV animation for kids. Sounds pretty enviable, doesn’t it? Well, it is when you stumble upon godsends like the shows Yo Gabba Gabba! Otherwise, it’s a pretty hellish experience being forced to hear god-awful music and watch screaming adult-voiced kids, bad animation, idiotic storylines, and annoying dialogue, writing, and plots that read like they’re were made by a factory of Ned Flanders clones.
The Animation Pimp: It’s About Time - René Jodoin
It's about an old animator... 90 plus now... and it's written LIKE listening to a 90 year old talk... random and all over the place... like my sister.
The Pimp’s Super Fantastic Lollipops Guide to Festival Submissions (a.k.a. The Uncertainty Principle)
The Animation Pimp: Myths and Legends
This time Mr. Pimp is giving you the floor to ask about various rumors and legends about the OIAF over the years.
Beware of Pärn
Hide the children, put away your daughters, he is coming. That prevert of the Baltics, Priit Pärn. The barely-a-man looks like a dressed up caveman.
The Animation Pimp: Beauty and the Stink
The Animation Pimp dishes up a rather cynical, vulgar and surprisingly hostile list of his favorite and not so favorite animated feature films.