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Frenzer Foreman Animation Forum (podcast) x 29

Special Guest: OIAF Animators' Picnic 2011 - Part 2

It's the FFAF Pre-Holiday Holiday Spectacular as Joel and Alan continue to bother more legends of international animation trying to eat, drink, and be wary at the Ottawa International Animation Festival 2011, Part 2.  PLUS, backstage hijinks and hosting recap of the OIAF 2011 Closing Ceremonies.

Special Guest:  OIAF Animators' Picnic 2011 - Part 2

It's the FFAF Pre-Holiday Holiday Spectacular as Joel and Alan continue to bother more legends of international animation trying to eat, drink, and be wary at the Ottawa International Animation Festival 2011, Part 2.  PLUS, backstage hijinks and hosting recap of the OIAF 2011 Closing Ceremonies.

Guest List:

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{To Put on Ipod: right click on below attachment, "download linked file", open in itunes, sync to pod.}