E-books, Free Books, 1-2-3 (4) Books

Peewee Frog makes its library of e-books free for coronavirus-challenged families.

In response to the popularity of “Bonny Bunny’s Baby Brother” as a free Easter download, I’m making the entire Peewee Frog bookshelf available as free PDFs for families to enjoy at home during this challenging time.

Simply go to the Peewee Frog Books page and select the word “FREE” beneath the children’s book(s) of your choice.

And of course, the high-resolution e-books are still available for Amazon Kindle and Apple iBooks.

Meanwhile, development of my next children’s book – “Grandpa Groundhog” - chugs along amid the daily coronavirus challenges.

Take care. Stay safe.


Kevin Geiger's picture

Kevin is the author of AWN's Reality Bites blog, his musings on the art, technology and business of immersive media (AR, VR, MR) and AI. You can find Kevin's website at www.kevingeiger.com and he can be reached at holler@kevingeiger.com.