1. |
Bouncing Ball -- shows you step by step how to create your first bit of animation using "squash and stretch" techniques. |
2. |
Further Adventures from the Bouncing Ball -- offers intermediate techniques using "squash and stretch" to help your animation appear more realistic. |
3. |
Character Construction -- basic figure construction using cylinders, circles and lines of action. |
4. |
Basic Head Construction Part 1 -- is very simple. Like all character design it is based on simplified anatomy and construction. |
5. |
Basic Head Construction Part 2 -- we will explore how to create more complex character head construction. |
6. |
Timing-- is the essence of everything we do in animation. How slow or how fast an object or character moves helps define that object or character. |
7. |
Anticipation -- is another important cornerstone of animation; learn how and when to use it. |
8. |
How to "Thumbnail" a scene -- learn how to visually research before you animate. |
9. |
Time to Animate -- shows you how to animate a simple action of a character jump. |
10. |
Posing -- it is through posing that our charcters express their emotions to the audience. |
11. |
Character Model Sheets -- here is the process to develop your own Character Model Sheets with some tips on other simple shape
character designs you might want to experiment with... |
12. |
Overlapping Action -- will help make your animation more fluid, less stiff and a bit more “life” to your work. |
13. |
Character Walk -- can be a challenge for any animator. Once you break it down into it's simplest ingredients it becomes second nature. |
Pencil test -- see the Time to Animate lesson brought to life in the Animation section. |