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Pitch Your Story To Hollywood Execs

Sell/Pitch Your Story EventLos Angeles, California, USAAugust 23 24, 2003Deadline: August 15, 2003

The Hollywood Film Festival is holding the "Sell/Pitch Your Story" event for anyone with an idea/story, screenplay or book. The event will allow guests to pitch one-on-one to Hollywood executives and agents, guaranteeing attendees multiple pitches and no waiting in line. Panelists include screenwriting teacher David Freeman, producer Robert Kosberg, career manager Donie Nelson, consultant/producer Robert Flexman, writer Bill Martell, director James Pasternack, writer/teacher Richard Krevilon, writer Michael Halperin, writer Jason Squire and consultant/documentarian Pamela Jaye Smith among others. In addition, over 30 executives from Hollywood production companies and agencies will be participating. If you register by August 15, 2003, you save $150. For more information visit or call (310) 288-1882.

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
