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No New Trail in Pooh Case

On Jan. 26, 2005, a Los Angeles judge denied a new trial to Stephen Slesinger Inc. -- owners of the U.S. marketing rights for WINNIE THE POOH in their lawsuit against The Walt Disney Co., reports REUTERS. Superior Court Judge Charles McCoy threw out the initial suit last March, ruling that Stephen Slesinger Inc. had stolen evidence and tainted the case. Slesinger's lawyers felt there were other avenues to take than throwing out the case, but McCoy ruled that the illegally obtained evidence could not be eliminated from the core of Slesingers claim therefore left no other action than to dismiss the suit. Slesingers lawyer will appeal the case, which, if ruled in favor of the plaintiff, would be worth millions in alleged royalties that were never paid.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks