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AWN Discussion Forums - What's New? for Aug. 13, 2007

This week in AWN's Forums, a senior member is considering buying a cintiq, but wishes she could find a way to use one before investing a lot of dough.

This week in AWN's Forums, a senior member is considering buying a cintiq, but wishes she could find a way to use one before investing a lot of dough. Lots of members are posting links to their blogs. A new thread has sprung up on where the future of animation is going. Another thread is weighing the pros and cons of Maya versus 3ds Max. Others are rejoisking over the release of vintage POPEYE on DVD. As well as, tools for teaching animation, the business of animation and, as always, brand new stuff to check out in show and tell!

Rick DeMott's picture

Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks
