Comic Book Showcase

Compiled and written by Rick DeMott

When AWN put out the call for comic strip submissions, we never thought we would have the response that we did. It just shows how connected the worlds of animation and comics are. We received entries from aspiring cartoonists to syndicated strip creators. It was a fun job reading through the strips we received, but a hard decision picking which ones to include. We decided to be conventional and pick what we felt were the top ten cartoonists who sent in work. The reason we selected what we did varied: some are highly stylized, some were cute and others were just damn funny. Below are the cartoonists' bios and at least one of their strips.

© Gerard Arantowicz.

Gerard Arantowicz is currently the cartoonist for Buzz Magazine and Centre Daily Timesof State College, Pennsylvania. After serving is the U.S. Army during Desert Storm, Gerard attended Penn State University were he obtained a degree in Kinesiology. During his time at school he served as the editorial cartoonist for the student newspaper The Daily Collegian. From 1995-96, he was a student member of the National Association of American Editorial Cartoonists.

Jan Dirk Barreveld is a 25-year old, freelance illustrator/cartoonist from Breukelen, The Netherlands. Educated as a business economist at a university in Amsterdam, he has been drawing comics and cartoons from a very early age and during his studies he used his drawing skills for various faculty-related publications and an independent magazine for upcoming comic artists. During his time at school, he began doing illustrations and cartoons for three Dutch nationwide student magazines. Currently, he is working as a cartoonist/illustrator for magazines and companies through the Netherlands. His recurring assignments are a weekly editorial cartoon for a Dutch news Web site and the comic strip Eugènefor a mayor Dutch newspaper. He is looking to expand into the field of animation.

© Jan Dirk Barreveld.
© Jan Dirk Barreveld.


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