From the President
I read the articles about the strike, "Picketing In Front of PBS! Just Blame It On Canada?" (DeMott, 5.02) and the interview "Tom Sito, M.P.S.C. 839 President, Answers The Tough Questions" (Kenyon, 5.02). Thanks for the great exposure and the great questions. The Roman writer Publius Syrius said, "The Just Cause fears no judge".

In my nine years as Union president only once or twice has a union hating studio head ever had the guts to debate me one on one. Most of them answer with silence because they know that they are not helping their artists by staying non-union; they know they are lying to them about what’s in their best interests. I wish we lived in a world where unions would be unnecessary and I could just focus on my artwork, but we don't. If 839 didn't exist something else would quickly rise in its place because the need for collective protection is real.

Thanks again for the opportunity to vent. I look forward to the time next spring when we can talk about Osmosis Jones.

Tom Sito

Who’s Mouthing the Moose?
I know that June Foray is once again doing the voice of Rocky in The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle, but what I would like to know is who was the original voice for Bullwinkle, and will he also be the voice of Bullwinkle in the upcoming movie?

Editor’s Note: Check out "Keith Scott: Down Under’s Voice Over Marvel" in this issue. Here you will get to meet the new voice of Bullwinkle, Keith Scott and learn about his new book which has more Bullwinkle information then you thought possible.

Internships? Where do I Look?
I am a student of animation and am interested in finding out about, you got it -- internships, or some sort of summer work experience having to do with animation. I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction of either a human who might know where I should turn, or a specific Web site as I haven't been having much luck. Thank you for your time and energy, I really appreciate any help you can give. Thanks to everyone at AWN for making me feel at least somehow connected to an animation community!

Beth Spenader

Editor’s Note: Thanks for the compliments Beth. Visit our Job Database. If internships aren’t listed there, you could still contact the companies and ask if they have an internship program. Pick a company that you would like to work for and give them a ring. You will probably find they are more receptive than you think.

Mary Kay Bergman
I was just informed of the wonderful tribute you ran back in January for my late wife Mary Kay Bergman. I wanted to send a belated thanks, as well make you aware of an interview currently running at:

The article talks about Mary Kay as well our efforts to reach out and help those in the entertainment industry who continue to suffer in secret as my Mary Kay did.

Thank you again,
Dino Andrade

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