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Searching for fun and simple animations of gym bases activities plus hobbies and sports

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Searching for fun and simple animations of gym bases activities plus hobbies and sports

I am teaching English at primary and junior high schools in Japan and would like show some simple but fun sports, hobby and gym based animations with clean backgrounds for my self introduction session. I'll act out some myself (maybe double up) and I know there are free stick figure making and animation software but I don't trust my ability to draw a good one. The range of activities sought is primarily gym-based including "Body Pump"- weight-lifting to music or other group fitness classes, weights machines, free weights, running on track, swimming, sauna using, bathing plus other hobbies/ sports demonstrations- not particular about which ones. I am going ask them which one of these two do I do at the gym. So is there a website where I can find all the animations sought? Google is so poor- I have only found a a few and many not useful ones and no websites with helpful search functions or internal categories.

The point of the lesson is not to learn that vocabulary but to familiarise them and engage them with me as their new Assistant Language Teacher with general English exposure- I am hoping they have a fair understanding of gym activities in general even though they would probably never have been to one- they might have some done some activities there such as dancing or swimming. Please help. 

Gym bases are the places

Gym bases are the places where people go to lose weight and get fit. Gym bases are also places where people play sports, exercise, and do other activities. The gym is a place where you can meet new friends and have fun. The gym is a place where you feel comfortable and safe. Partaking in the class fitness activities is quite useful. The first step in any fitness routine should be to find something that you enjoy doing. Luckily, there are plenty of options available online.

Sun protection is the

Sun protection is the cornerstone of any effective skin care routine. Daily application of a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 can help prevent premature aging, sunburns, and skin cancer. You can use collagen production Sunscreen should be applied 15-20 minutes before sun exposure and reapplied every two hours.

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