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Nik and Nancy have a new family member!

As most of you know Nik and I lost our beloved 15 year old Dalmatian Kirby earlier this year and he was soon followed to dog heaven by our equally beloved 15 year old Molly. It was very painful for us to lose both of them so close together but we are dog people and we knew that somewhere down the road there would be another dog that needed a good home and a lot of love. We had planned not to even think about a dog until after we returned from KROK in the Ukraine in early October but low but as we all know life does not always go the way we plan.

Last Sunday Nik and I saw a sign on a tree in a little park near our house for a homeless 4 year old West Highland Terrier that was free but must be taken before the next day or it would be go to the pound. It turned out that his mistress is dead, the master is in jail and their two sons put the dog out on the street. The family that took him in after a week on the streets already have 2 Skiperkeys and couldn't keep a third dog but they did take him to a vet to be checked out and an implanted chip was found. The vet tracked down the children who said that they didn't want anything to do with their father, the dog, or anything that the father had ever touched! Please do not write for more details -- we don't have any and don't really want to know what happened.

I have never cared much for little dogs, but I had promised Nik that our next canine would be a little so that we could easily travel with it and he had decided that a French Bull dog would be perfect, but the minute we met the little Westie we were both thoroughly charmed by him. He was obviously well loved until disaster struck his young life, with perfect manners and the terrier sense of humor. Remi has also obviously dined out in restaurants frequently because when we took him out to eat he immediately sat down under the table and did not move until we got up to leave. He loves all fruits and veggies -- even enjoys cucumbers and raw garlic, but I knew he was truly our dog when I sat down a glass of red wine and he started happily drinking it. To further indear him to our hearts he also appreciates animation as you can see by the picture of little Remi (what we named him) on our floor in front of our telly staring with rapt attention at MADAME TUTLI-PUTLI (one of my favorite animations at Annecy this year).

Remi the Critic

Remi 003