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IN MY SKIN (2003) (***)

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In no way am I saying its as emotional wrenching or as intellectually stimulating, but this film reminded me of IRREVERSIBLE. Maybe it was the tone and it definitely has the power to make you squirm.

Director Marina de Van (UNDER THE SAND) plays the lead role of Esther, a self-loathing woman, who after having an accident that severely cuts her leg becomes obsessed with self-mutilation. The film builds slowly developing Esther’s psychology. Her friend Sandrine (Lea Drucker, SHOOTING STARS) and her boyfriend Vincent (Laurent Lucas, WITH A FRIEND LIKE HARRY) become quickly concerned with her dangerous behavior.

The film does a wonderful job of portraying Esther’s uncontrollable obsession. It’s amazing how the film makes you tense just by having Esther alone, because we know how dangerous she can be to herself. Eventually, she breaks with reality and takes the self-mutilation to an unimaginable level. There is a scene in this film that makes you feel so uncomfortable just like IRREVERSIBLE’s infamous rape scene. The only thing I wish the film had done more was explain this next step more. Psychologically I’m not sure what the film is trying to say.

The slip into insanity that Esther takes also reminded me of the lead character in the film MAY. As a horror film, it is terrifying in a HENRY: PORTRAIT OF A SERIAL KILLER sort of way. You know the main character is losing it and there is nothing that can be done to stop it. The film reminds me of some of the best chillers, but I think it loses its story toward the end and parts seem to drag at times. However, fans of psychological terror won’t want to miss this unnerving film.

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Rick DeMott
Animation World Network
Creator of Rick's Flicks Picks